Saturday 24 January 2015

Homemade shower decongestant disc

It's that time of year when coughs, colds, snuffly noses,  flu and all types of nasty germs are in the air.

I do like trying some homemade remedies.

This is not an actual remedy but it  does smell lovely :)

You will need

3 cups of BAKING SODA
Lavender oil
Rosemary oil
Eucalyptus oil

In a bowl but the BAKING SODA, making sure there is no lumps
add a bit of water at a time and mix until you have a VERY thick paste
then add the oils 15 drops of each and keep mixing
Place muffin lines into a muffin tin and place mixture into the muffin liners

I can make 14-16 discs

Leave overnight to dry out.

Next morning add a few more drops of each oil to each disc.

The reason I add more drops is because sometimes I find the scent not enough

I break into two and place in the bottom of the shower. Between the water, and steam the scent is released.

The best part is these will just dissolve and wash down the drain smile emoticon

I have NOT used as a bath bomb yet, but I will try and let you know.

2 things to note!!!!

I read about people have reactions to the lavender oil but you could have a reaction to any of the oils. So maybe go a little easy on the oils just to make sure.
We are fine with the oils in our family 

When I first found this a few years ago people were suggesting adding colour to the disks.
I had read a few stories that had this problem 
Thankfully I never tried it

Everything you'll need for the disc's
Mix until a VERY thick paste
Add 15 drops of each oil
Put mixture into cake/muffin  liners and leave to dry
I add an extra few drop of each oil when the disc's have dried out
because sometimes I don't think the scent is strong enough
All dried out and ready to use
Store in a jar until needed

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