Friday, 27 March 2015

Chicken and Chorizo one pot dinner

I wanted to make something for dinner that was a bit different.
For me this was different  using the orange zest and chorizo also add oil to a dish with chorizo
Also being another one pot dinner was a bonus!

So what you'll need

chicken thighs
2 small onions
zest of 1 orange
oregano  ~ 1 tablespoon
salt and pepper ~ to taste

in an oven proof dish,  add a tablespoon of oil
throw the potatoes in and making sure all coated in oil
add the chicken
Remove outer layer of chorizo and cut into slices and half the slices
then add the chorizo
chop and add onion
zest one orange and add the zest
add the oregano
mix well and bake at

 baked this at 180/350 degrees for about 70 minutes


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