Monday, 2 March 2015

Breakfast smoothie

I love smoothies but I never make them at home.

Well after having a really nice smoothie lately that cost more than some milk and fruit blended together should cost, I thought it was time I started making them at home.

We nearly always have frozen fruit here so I thought right…lets give this ago.
so I did

I made enough for 2 smoothies, hoping that my son would like it……I'm guessing I wouldn't be making enough for both of us again. He wasn't impressed!

It will be just for me for the foreseeable future just for me.
I will also be making packets to throw in the freezer so when I want the smoothies I can just grab a bag throw the contents into the blender, then add the milk and anything else I might need
Also this will help save on waste. I could only find a big bag of spinach. So tomorrow I will be making up smoothie packets :)

This is my third morning of having a smoothie for breakfast and surprisingly I'm enjoying!
I have added some fresh orange this morning:)
This morning I left the banana and honey out and it still tasted good :)

What you'll need to make this breakfast smoothie

Fruit (I use frozen)  ~ 1/4 cup  (I used blackberries, blueberries, raspberries and pomegranate)
spinach  ~ handful
oats ~ 1/4 cup
honey ~ 1 teaspoon
Ice ~ I need ice :) (this is optional)

Add the fruit, spinach, banana, oats, honey, ice and milk
into the blender/smoothie maker. Blitz away for a few minutes….add the milk amount that you want

pour into your cup and enjoy! :)

I buy my frozen fruit in boxes and they just take up to much space in the freezer
So I pour them all into a freezer bag and mix them all up
Saves a LOT of space :)

What you'll need
I buy my frozen fruit in a boxes then I add into a bag when Im home to save

add your spinach and fruit

then add the banana, oats, ice and honey

ad the milk and blitz


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