Sunday, 22 February 2015

Folding a fitted sheet

I would to HATE, yes I HATE folding the fitted sheets. Well not that they would really look folded by the time I finished with it!!!!!
REALLY, I'd take the sheets out of the dryer or bring them in from the line. I'd actually be happy before I started trying to do the task….
Then I'd just give up! I might have even stamped my foot a time or two as well…...

I think they were invented to wind us up! seriously I do!

For the longest time I never really knew how to fold those horrible fitted sheets.
I'd try, then try again…then kind or roll it around my arms and throw it in to the cupboard.

I found using a flat surface REALLY helped me

Place on flat surface and fold the bottom corners in to the top corners
Flattern all out as much as possible
fold  of the top over ~ to the middle
the fold the bottom half up so you have a long rectangle
the fold about a 1/4 of the sheet from both sides
fold in again
the fold again

The dreaded fitted sheet

this is how they usually end up after trying to fold it!!!

On a flat surface
tuck the bottom corners into the top corners

smooth it out
fold the top over half way

fold the bottom half up so its a long

fold in from both sides

fold in again
then fold over again
sorry forgot to take last picture

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